+257 22 28 08 91 / +257 79 78 62 79 contact@fiaburundi.org
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Covid-19 Outreach

Life Skills

Holistic Church Development

Life Skills

From the Street to Entrepreneurship


Welcome speech of Segal Family Foundation Evecutive Director in Burundi


Teenagers mother professional skills training

Life Skills

Agriculture and animal husbandry as a source of family income


Everybody needs Love And Care : Don't Discriminate

Family Support

More than 72.9% of Burundian population lives below the poverty line (1.9$ /day) and most of them are women.


Women lack the knowledge of making their own income generating activities.

These women lack as well the financial capacity to start and increase the income generating activities.

The overworking of women, assigned by Burundian culture, hinders their socio-economic development, which can lead children and women to suffer certain forms of violence.

The education given to the girl from the early age leads the women to live in the ignorance which is materialized by the lack of competence in the life.

Faith in Action is a non-profit organization that coaches and supports disadvantaged and at-risk women in Burundi through a holistic community and family-based approach so that they become active, contributing members of their communities.


We believe that, to achieve the integral development of the community in general and families in particular, is to strengthen women in order to promote the economical resilience of the households and the protection of children through their role as pillars of the family.


An equitable society where all women and their families thrive socially and economically.


Entrepreneurship and Solidarity Funding


We train and coach vulnerable women how to leave their comfort zones in order to grow, generating the first capital through solidarity funding and emphasizing the necessity of money management. Additionally, Develop business strategy and selling points as well. On further journeys, we enable their connection to financial institutions in order to obtain further funds and revenue.

Family Support


We facilitate birth and marriage registration, child development and protection, as well as professional skills training and support.



We facilitate in community health promotion, leadership skills, group therapy, peace building and conlit resolution.

Our Partners