+257 22 28 08 91 / +257 79 78 62 79 contact@fiaburundi.org
“Since my husband left us, my children and I have struggled for a long time to support ourselves. My children even dropped out of school because of the lack of school fees and materials. I tried to start a small business thanks to the 5000 Fbu I borrowed from a friend who allowed me to buy vegetables (lengalenga) and I had a profit of 3 000 Fbu.

Afterwards, I joined the GS TUVEHASIMUKENYEZI created by Foi en Action under the financing of UNICEF where we learned to make a business plan and to create a solid company. From there, I borrowed a sum of 200,000 Fbu to increase the capital of my vegetable business.

I am very happy and proud of the step I took, my business is growing every day. My children have returned to school, we now eat 3 times a day, I am able to provide them with their primary needs and, thanks to the profit I get from my income generating activity (IGA), and in addition, I manage to save for the future of my children.”

This is the testimony of Ms. RUKUNDO Jacqueline, a single mother of 4 children located in the Kinyinya site in Gatumba.